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CBD and Mindfulness

What is mindfulness?

When was the last time you listened to your body? Not just to your pressing bodily functions like “I’m hungry” or “I need to pee” but really listened to your body; what it’s saying, what it’s feeling; what it’s doing. Our bodies are incredibly complex, beautiful instruments that are constantly working away, performing the myriad functions that keep us alive. Unfortunately, our fast-paced lives put a lot of pressure on our bodies and we have a tendency to ignore them. Instead, we focus our attention on things we have to remember, worries about the future, and other daily stresses.

Mindfulness is the process of focusing fully on the now and communicating with our bodies, paying close attention to what they have to say. Through mindfulness, we can relieve stress, improve awareness, and enhance performance. But “focusing on the now” is easier said than done, and actually practicing mindfulness can seem complicated. The good news is that everyone is capable of mindfulness and with a little practice you can make it a part of your self-care routine. This activity pairs well with and can even be enhanced through proper CBD use to improve overall bodily and mental wellness.

Learning to listen to an old friend

Think of your body as a loyal pet that goes wherever and does whatever you want it to without asking for anything in return. Sadly, the majority of us don’t treat our bodies with respect. We are like dictators subjecting them to harsh conditions and depriving them of their needs. It’s time to rethink the way we treat our bodies and relearn how to talk to them like we would an old friend: with compassion.

The concept of “talking to yourself” might feel strange at first. Our society doesn’t look kindly on people who do this in public. Luckily, mindfulness is best practiced in the comfort of your own home and can easily be done in silence. So how exactly do you practice mindfulness? There’s no one way, and similar to meditation, what works for one person might not work for others. The basic principle is usually the same: try to clear your mind of external thoughts and focus on what your body is doing at the moment.

Concentrating on your breathing is a great introductory exercise to mindfulness. First, try to find a calm environment with few distractions. Get your body in a comfortable position and take a deep breath. While breathing in, see if you can connect to all your different body parts working to draw that breath. Feel the air being drawn through your nostrils and making its way down your throat and into your lungs. Feel your diaphragm as it expands, your skin stretching slightly as your stomach and chest rise. Hold that breath and try to listen to the other parts of your body. Can you feel your heart beating? Are your toes hot or cold? Imagine the oxygen traveling through your entire body. As you exhale, follow the air back out of your lungs. What changes do you notice as you release your breath?

Continue the exercise for as long as you want. With each new breath, see if you can go deeper and connect with different parts of your body. It’s normal to get distracted, by your surroundings or “intrusive thoughts,” but when you do, try to bring your attention back to your body. Just like any other form of exercise, mindfulness gets easier with practice. But it’s more than focusing on a single action. Think of it as “checking in” with your body, just like checking in with an old friend. Rather than monopolizing the conversation, listen to what they have to say. Let your body do the talking and guide the conversation. You might enjoy doing an internal scan of your body, to take stock of how each part is feeling. Being more in tune with our bodies is a great way to address both our physical and mental needs as well as enjoy ourselves more.

How can CBD help Mindfulness

CBD and mindfulness are two forms of self-care that can help bring balance to our bodies. While both of them can be practiced individually, combining them can lead to greater overall results. Think of full-spectrum CBD: on its own, CBD can be good for your body, but when combined with other cannabinoids, these compounds work in harmony to bring greater benefits. The same is true for CBD and mindfulness. 

Taking your favorite form of CBD product before practicing mindfulness can heighten your ability to connect with your body. CBD can reduce pain and stress while improving focus, all of which can help you center your attention on your body. Products like tinctures (taken sublingually) and water-soluble gummies are best because it’s easier to time their effects with mindfulness exercises. 

So next time you want to treat your body to a little more self-care, instead of reaching for that glass of wine (you can enjoy that later), why not grab your favorite plant-based product and take the time to listen to what your body is really saying. Give that loyal friend the attention they deserve and reconnect; you’ll be surprised by how much they have to say and how much you share in common!

You’ll be surprised by how much more balance you can experience in your day-to-day life!